Today, at the Federal Building in LA, there was a rally organized by physician's against the government take-over of health care. I attended with a friend of mine who is a world-renowned cardiologist. We got there a bit early and had a chance to chat with Hugh Hewitt; I just love him! Evan Sayet spoke and was, as always, side-splittingly funny and the physicians who spoke were brilliant. The crowd was passionate but not unruly and all told, I think we must have had a bit over 500 attendees. Naturally, I didn't see anyone from the MSM there but I am sure if they had covered the event, they would have found the lone toothless hillbilly with a racist sign, to interview!
Good for you! What did your sign say besides "GIVE"??
Posted by: KS | Saturday, November 21, 2009 at 07:09 PM
My sign read; Give me Liberty, Not Debt!
Posted by: Nora | Saturday, November 21, 2009 at 07:35 PM
G-d bless you for getting out there and showing people that not only Bible thumping rednecks are against Obamacare! People with PhDs think it's a dumb idea as well!
Posted by: Reasonsjester | Saturday, November 21, 2009 at 08:36 PM
Love your sign, Nora! My sign for the DC tea party (9/12) said, "It's The Constitution, Stupid!" I saw a lot that said, "Go Green ~ Recycle Congress", which is such a wonderful idea. I had to make a drive to Frederick, MD the other day and saw a sign that said, "State Run Health Care...Trickle UP Poverty!"
Posted by: piano girl | Sunday, November 22, 2009 at 06:08 PM