Terrorism Pays: Obama Hosts Muslims for Entrepreneurship Seminars While American Unemployment Reaches New Highs
The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on AmericaObama hosting 500 Muslims for intensive entrepreneurship seminars
American? Non-Muslim? Unemployed? Sorry. You’re on your own in
Obama’s post-American world. And if you are employed,
you're paying mad
From the “Terrorism Pays” file, a piece in the Salt Lake Tribune lays out a small sampling of the Obama’s favoring of the worldwide Islamic ummah over Americans. It conveniently does not tally up the tens of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars forfeited to dar al Islam.
hat tip to Logan’s
Nearly a year after President Barack Obama’s historic speech in Cairo announcing that America wanted a “new beginning” with the Muslim world, evidence of that policy shift has, in recent weeks, become hard to ignore.
The Obama administration is revising national security guidelines that strip references to “Islamic radicalism” and other terms deemed inflammatory to Muslims. Officials also reversed 3-month-old guidelines that singled out passengers on flights arriving from 13 Muslim countries, and Cuba, for mandatory screening.
Controversial scholar Tariq Ramadan entered the United States for the first time in six years after being barred by the Bush administration, and the Obama administration has dispatched American Nobel Prize winners to advise Muslims scientists, economists and other professionals on how to improve their research and better manage their institutions. At month’s end, the U.S. government will play host to some 500 mainly Muslim business people for intensive seminars on entrepreneurship.
“There’s a lot going on but not a lot being told,” said Qamar ul-Huda, a senior officer at the Religion and Peacemaking Program at the United States Institute for Peace, an independent nonpartisan institute chartered by Congress. “Many Muslims are not aware of what’s happening, and that needs to be addressed.”
Meanwhile, Unemployment rises in 24 states.
I've seen that picture many times, and it always reminds me of torn-up bed sheets!
Posted by: KS | Saturday, April 17, 2010 at 01:39 PM
Yeah, and we are lectured by lefties not to discriminate based on race, creed, gender, religion, etc. What the heck do they call this?
Posted by: Reasonsjester | Saturday, April 17, 2010 at 03:30 PM